Has Cancer Already Been Cured?
Jby eff Pancer
Josip Gabre says "Yes!" The 67-year-old Mississauga man claims that Taheebo (also known as Lapacho, Pau d'arco and Ipe Poto) cured him of cancer in 1984.
Taheebo is an herbal tea made from the bark of Taheebo tree of Andes mountains. This tea, in concert with a vegetarian diet and meditation, were the keys to overcoming a cancer that has spread throughout his body.
In his book, "How I Beat Cancer and How You Can Prevent It" (ISBN 0-9693941-0-1, published by TriWit, available at Smithbooks nationally), Gabre describes how he contracted a small cancer in his bladder in July 1983. His urologist, Dr. Andres Bruce at the University of Toronto, prescribed a vaccine known a BCG which he injected into Mr. Gabre's penis. Soon after this treatment his entire bladder was filled with cancer and had to be removed. Mr. Gabre now wears a bag for the elimination of waste.
With cancer running rampant throughout his body, Gabre was told by his oncologist (cancer doctor) that chemotherapy was the best method of treatment. Gabre refused chemotherapy, feeling that it would kill him quicker than the cancer. He did consent to a series of radiation treatments but said there was no benefit from them.
The Taheebo tree's extract is claimed to rejuvenate the immune system.
In 1984 a friend gave Mr. Gabre an article describing the benefits of Taheebo. Gabre had always felt there must be a natural way of defeating his cancer and thought that Taheebo could be it. His miraculous victory over cancer astounded his oncologist, urologist and his family physician.
Taheebo can be found in health food stores and is also sold by Mr. Gabre. It sells for about $25 per pound. Mr. Gabre's phone number is 905-828-5845. For more information about Taheebo and other holistic cancer treatments, call the Consumer Health Organization at 416-222-6517. Another local group which might interest you is Health Freedom International at 416-590-9586, ext. 167. In the United States, People Against Cancer is at 515-972-4444 and A.O. Supplies can be reached at 614-467-2190.
Gabre says that there is a certain way of preparing Taheebo which must be followed. Distilled or well filtered water must be used because it is free of heavy metals; metal pots shouldn't be used. Use Corning glass or similar utensils; bring one litre of water to the boiling point, then add Taheebo bark to the boiling water; boil it rapidly for five minutes; after five minutes, turn down the heat and simmer it for another twenty minutes. Allow the tea to settle and then strain it through a cheesecloth or paper coffee filter into a thermos bottle.
You can drink it hot, warm or cold but hot is the most beneficial. It if gets cold, it should never be reheated, but should be taken cold. Gabre notes that if it's taken while you are on chemotherapy or radiation treatment, the Taheebo might be ineffective.
I asked the Canadian Cancer Society (416-961-7223) whether they had heard of Taheebo and they referred me to the Cancer Information Services at 1-800-263-6750. The Cancer Information Services said they had heard of Taheebo but it was still listed as an unproven method of treating cancer.
The October 25, 1994 edition of the Toronto Star B1 and B3 had an article titled "Cures and Quackery." It describes a program started by the federal government to give out as much as a million dollars to cancer researchers for the investigation of alternative cancer treatments. The nine therapies to be studied are: Laetrile, Hydrazine Sulphate, Essiac, Iscador, vitamins, Green tea, 714x, oxygen therapy and shark cartilage. Taheebo won't be studied.
Mr. Gabre feels there is something sinister afoot when it comes to cancer research. He often quotes Dr. Linus Pauling who some years ago claimed that as long as there's a lot of money to be made in cancer research and the sale of chemotherapy drugs, cancer won't be cured. Perhaps Dr. Pauling never heard of Taheebo.
Gabre also speaks about Ralph Moss of New York City who wrote the book, "The Cancer Industry." It details the years he worked at Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute and the duplicity he encountered there. Holistic cancer treatments were not accurately reported on by Sloan-Kettering and their disinformation campaign led Mr. Moss to leave their employ in the mid-70s.
Gabre continues to educate the public about Taheebo and his victory over cancer with speaking tours in Ontario. He hopes that one day herbal medicine will be the first choice of cancer patients throughout the world.
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